
10 Things We Want to Do Before We Die

FT Co-Founders Stephanie and Mariko ran into this wall by Candy Chang while in Chicago for a business idea pitch; this ended up being one of the most memorable aspects of the trip.

Stephanie said that before she died, she would meet Nick Jonas.

Some of your other FTeamsters came up with their own simple answers. William decided to be special, and Helen couldn't choose, so she'll just have to be super productive before she dies.
  1. Shannon S  Volunteer medically in Africa.
  2. Tina C  Save a life.
  3. Jenny H  Meet Nick Vujicic.
  4. Stephanie Be a great example of love to the world! ...and to Nick Jonas.
  5. Mitchell Ride a rhinoceros. No; just kidding, ride an ostrich.
  6. Mariko Have a street named in honor of me that houses the best museum of food history.
  7. William H Do absolutely nothing for a week; maybe sleep through a couple days and then eat through a couple other days.
  8. Helen X Make someone happy.
  9. Helen X Spend a few minutes in the brain of a genius.
  10. Ari G Make a change in the world, and see people's lives transformed for the better by it.

    (We all really liked Mariko's idea.)

    How about YOU? Before you die... what is one thing you would do? Would you travel somewhere? Eat something? Talk to someone?

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