
How Not to Dress at an Entrepreneurship Competition

Meet Emily, the super attractive sumo wrestler.

When some FTeamsters took off for San Francisco to compete in the Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE) competition, they never expected to end up in sumo suits. Nah, this wasn't the SAGE competition itself, thank goodness.

The actual competition itself ended up a little like a match between Emily the sumo wrestler and Yokozuna Taiho the sumo wrestler. Actually it wasn't that awful. We didn't come back in total defeat or anything--we made friends and learned about other young entrepreneurs' great ideas and met people with experience and stories...

And at the end of the day, when we returned to our busy hub of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, we were more inspired, more energized, and more passionate about why we took on this baby nonprofit in the first place. We remembered even more the caveat of the entire thing--that despite the late night meetings to set up a vision and the self-taught, rapid entrepreneurship classes we informally took, the ultimate hope is to help our friends and our younger siblings and their friends get through and learn what we struggled through and learned, as students and as volunteers and as sons and daughters.

And, sometimes, as fake sumo wrestlers. (:

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